Last year's version. The printable is amazing and is available at Balancing Home. Lots of great printables there! |
All your supplies are as follows: cheapie clipboards, scrapbook paper of your choosing, large letter stickers, and Mod Podge (or spray adhesive). I made nine of these last year for about 20 bucks.
All you do is...
Cut your scrapbook paper to fit the front of the clipboard. Don't worry about tracing around the "clippy thing" just right. Straight lines and right angles work!
Make yo'self an assembly line and Mod Podge those suckers to your clipboard. I will say that Mod Podge works best with a sturdier scrapbook paper.
Flip that sucker over, add a strip of the same (or different! Go wild!) scrapbook paper, and then add your letter sticker to personalize it for each teacher.So easy, it's ridiculous. Yet they are cute and practical. I liked adding the printable you saw above, printed and trimmed to 8x10 on the off-chance that your teacher might want to frame it.
I would show you this year's version, but that would kinda spoil the surprise, wouldn't it? However, it is easy to imagine these done in any color scheme, with script or three-letter monograms, or customized however you can imagine. Have fun!

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