That Daddy here, filling in for That Mommy while she's living the good life in Belgium. I have been instructed to author something clever in this space, but it turns out filling in for That Mommy has sapped my creative energy. On the plus side, if you'd like me to yell at you or send you to time out for grabbing a toy, hitting your brother with a toy, intentionally breaking a toy, and/or cramming a costly toy--against all laws of physics and nature--into an even more costly toy to create a very costly and very nonfunctional supertoy, I have been honing those skills for several days and stand prepared to demonstrate them outside of the confines of the house.
Anyway, That Mommy extends her thanks once again to
Doozy Cards for sponsoring this giveaway! The lucky winner of the one-year membership is Susan Locey!
If you're the winner, I have already passed along your email to Doozy Cards, and they will contact you soon with your redemption code. Enjoy!!!
That Daddy - great job being clever and living up to the standard of That Mommy's witty posts!