So, here's what we do now:
It's a Preschool Portfolio! Every day (after we show off the artwork to Daddy), I punch holes in it and put it in a category:
"School" or "Home." The reason I split them up is because at the end of the year we're going to throw most of it away and I think more "Bert and Ernie" coloring pages will be recycled and more cute school projects will be kept.
I mean, how can I throw this out? So cute. And the best part is that there is also a spot for the notebook. Lately I have been designating spaces for things that have heretofore been "floaters" in the house. Do you know the type? Magazines, notebooks or toys that have no true home? Tell them where they belong--you will feel so much better! So, the Preschool Portfolio has its space in the cabinet along with the Mommy Notebook: