Thursday, August 15, 2013

Another Before, and More Help Please!

I have gotten a bunch of great suggestions on my family room layout on Facebook, thanks friends!  Now for another "Before" shot, and another small request, I present you with my Little Boy's Room:

LB when he saw this room: "But I don't WIKE dis room!  Dis is a GIRWUL'S room!"

Okay, terrible (TERRIBLE) picture!  But you see the main issue here, right?  It's that the room is lavender.  I plan on painting every wall of my new house eventually, but these four walls MUST be painted before we move in.  The plan was to paint an accent wall in LB's first favorite color, orange (other walls neutral) and include lots of accessories in his second favorite color, rainbow.  Hopefully it will look something like this:

Just for fun the other day I was playing around on Olioboard and created this Boy's Rainbow Room and entered it into the Land of Nod sweepstakes there.  It was just to get a little inspired, but suddenly my little entry has started receiving some votes!  So, what they hey, will you please vote for it too?  All you have to do is click here and then "heart" my entry.  And maybe make one of your own while you are there!

If I win, I will be sharing the love here on my blog!  Thinking a Land of Nod giveaway?  Thanks friends!


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