Wednesday, August 17, 2011

If you don't yet, please do. You gotta.

I have put off writing this post because it seems like everyone has already told everyone to do it, so I feel like that annoying fly that you can't quite swat.   But I can't help myself.

You so wanna.  Even if you don't know it yet.

It's not because Pinterest is so wildly addictive.  (It is).

Photo: via Pinterest
And its not because it's so inspirational.  (It is).

Photo: via Pinterest
Not because it's so easy.  (It totally is).

Photo: via Pinterest
Nope, the main reason I am madly in *love* with Pinterest is that I don't ever need to bookmark a clever idea again.  And I will never lose track of a beautiful photograph again.  And when I want to find these things, I can see the pictures of them, rather than a bookmark which looks like: Generic Good Idea at

In a word, it is AWESOME.

So if you're on there, let me know so I can follow you!  And if you're not--go right now!  Hey, you can even start with me by clicking here!


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