Happy New Year!
I hope each of you had a beautiful Christmas, and welcome to a New Year! We had our first truly white Christmas in, well, probably forever.
It was awesome...not just really cool but truly awe-inspiring. That snowfall is a symbol for me of a clean, white slate in 2011. I'll tell you, a series of little non-coincidences occurred in December...a bunch of little things I know were designed to help me make life simpler around here. Things that have inspired me to strive for simplicity in my home, my family life, our budget, all our stuff. One of the things that happened was that I won the book Organized Simplicity by Tsh Oxenreider in a contest held by Melissa over at The Inspired Room. It's great...more on that to come!
For now, I'm ringing in the New Year with a new motto:
I'm loving it but I'll have to let you know how it's working out amidst all the post-holiday craziness, upcoming birthday parties, and...um, life in general with two little boys.

That's a great motto to live by, I'm also trying to simplify and minimize my life and clutter a little. It seems to take a lot of work but will be well worth it.
ReplyDeleteHappy you had a great new year, hope to hear more from you soon.