Today I found myself singing the following lyrics in the car:
"All around in my hometown
They tryin' to track me down
They say they want to bring me in guilty
For the sassing of a deputy...
I sassed the sheriff
But I did not sass the deputy..."
You get the idea. Also I was just rocking out to the Killers while I ordered my groceries online. Because there is nothing as cool as making sure you ordered organic whole milk.
Sigh. Indeed, I am no longer cool. I wonder now if I ever was. I still think I'm cool when I have the time (never) and the energy (rarely) to attempt a "style" (i.e. something that was cool within the last 3 years and has no stains). I used to think my aviator sunglasses made me look cool, but then I broke them while assembling a Pack 'n' Play.
It's okay though. I am totally willing to be the uncoolest ever if it means having the privilege of raising these boys. And by "raising," I do mean rewriting all the best lyrics. Sorry, Marley.

Literally laughing out loud!! In my book you are cool. Although it dawned on me recently that I am in fact not cool.