
Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Where We Find Peace

Didn't mean to drop off the planet for the last two weeks!  Between traveling and school starting, it's been a busy time.  Despite the blazing heat I feel the seasons changing--new routines and schedules as we settle into school and the coming fall (bless it can't it get here already!?!)

In the midst of this season of transition I've also been reminded that this fickle, random, broken world will disappoint us, will knock us around and sometimes bludgeon us nearly to death.  Last week I found myself at the hospital, hugging and praying with an old friend while her little boy suffered in agonizing pain.

Once again, Lord, we cry out: why?

Why is he suffering?  Why is anyone?  We want to understand...but these things can't be understood. The other day I stumbled across a re-broadcast of a Charles Stanley sermon.  I love him.  He was preaching about suffering, and about why God sometimes puts us through some things.  (Can't you just hear him saying "Watch this?")

I love Charles and that man's got wisdom, but watch this: not all of this hardship is from the Lord. Does God sometimes allow or cause trouble in our lives?  Sure, I believe that.  But I also know that most of the time, he doesn't need to.  The world does enough of that on its own.

The good news--sometimes the only good news--is that we are never alone in our suffering.  As we cry out, Jesus is right there crying alongside us.  Remember, He's already suffered under every sin of this fallen world, including those that make no sense.  And remember, in Him alone we find our victory.  In Him alone we find peace.

In painful moments sometimes all I can do is bring my broken heart and hand it over to the one who knows it best.

Today, if you are asking why, look to Jesus.  He may not answer the why but He has already overcome it...and through Him, so can you.

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P.S. These pictures were taken at Graylyn and in the nearby Reynolda Gardens in Winston-Salem, NC.

1 comment:

  1. Amen sista! Trying to understand the hurt and suffering in this world is overwhelming. I ask for peace daily to deal with it all. The pictures are gorgeous! Keep on writing sista!


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