
Monday, August 29, 2016

Reader Survey Results and Some Big News

Hey peeps!!!  So recently I ran a little reader survey, and here is what I learned:

  • Home Decorating/DIY posts are the favorites for 71% of you!
  • Most of you don't mind ads and sponsored posts (some of you even like them!)
  • Even though Home Decorating is the favorite category for most, 67% of respondents would also like to see more Faith/Christianity posts.'s my big news and I think it will be a good change.  This has been on my heart for a while, and the survey helped me focus up and make it a reality!  From here on out That Mommy Blog will focus exclusively on all things home--decorating, DIY, parenting, entertaining, and other home-keeping sundries.  I'll keep on bringing you home updates, crafty projects, and kids' parties, so if that's what you are into, never fear!

However, my new blog (wheee!!!) will focus exclusively on all things faith. It will be a safe place to share how God is working in our lives, ask the hard questions, and walk together in faith.  Please click right here or on the picture below to pay me a visit there, and don't forget to sign up for updates there as well (wouldn't want you to miss a thing)!

It's my sincere hope that you'll keep reading in both places.  Thank you in advance!
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