
Saturday, December 24, 2016

My Christmas Hope for You

Hi there, long lost friend.

Oh wait, it's me that's been lost.

Not lost, really...just living life offline.  But you gotta know, I still love ya.

I love each and every one of my readers and miss you when I am gone.  So I wanted to pop in to wish you--yes, you--a very Merry Christmas.  I hope it's absolutely perfect.

I hope your days are merry and bright.

I hope you're surrounded by the people, animals, and things that warm your heart.

I hope you enjoy good food without worrying too much about your waistline, and if you insist on eating kale instead of cookies, I hope you enjoy it!

I hope most of all that you will embrace the beauty of the season.  A beauty not made out of ribbons and bows, or sugar and spice, or even those sweet babies' eyes when they see what Santa brought.

I hope you will embrace the beauty of a God who loves you so deeply, so profoundly and so thoroughly that He became like you in order to reach you.

Divine Creator, come to Earth as a baby.  Because Lord knows we can't reach high enough to get to Him.  We can't be good enough, do enough great things, or love people well enough.  Left on our own, we can't reach Him.

But He can reach us.  And He did.

He made a way.

That way is Jesus.  A savior who reconciles divine holiness with human mess.

My Christmas hope for you is that you experience His unbridled love for you today.

Because I love you, dear reader, but He loves you so much more.


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  1. Love your gorgeous home, at the holidays and all year long. Your pooch is so cute. Luckily ours doesn't get on furniture, he's very hairy and sme3lly now and then, lol
    Wishing you and yours Happy New Year.


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