
Friday, July 29, 2016

Welcome New Readers!

Hello there!  If you are just joining us from Joy Reclaimed, welcome! I am so glad to have you here. Feel free to look around and introduce yourself in the comments!

For all you regular readers, today I'm guest posting at Joy Reclaimed with a parenting post from waaay back in 2010.

It's about the time I was nominated for the Worst Mommy Ever award.

By failing to buckle my baby in the car.  Whoops.  Click through to share my agony.

Two days ago that same baby, now seven years old, fell off a playground (not for the first time), slowing himself on the way down by using his rib cage against some bars.  Apparently, the close calls never stop.

 photo e0bcbc63-97e4-4f3b-adae-03bfc854ae09_zpsb8a65301.jpg

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