
Thursday, July 7, 2016

Masculine Home Decor Inspiration

Hey there you wonderful people!  So I was in San Francisco last week for some work-related travel for my hubby (which means rest-related travel for me)!  Most years I've tried to bring you the highlights (see Denver and Chicago right here).  This year I've got just one thing to talk about, and that's because I acted like I was allergic to my camera the whole time I was there.  I am the worst blogger ever and took almost no pictures.  However, I did snap a quick few pics of the lounge in my hotel, the Park Central San Francisco:

I spent many hours in there enjoying the masculine, library-bar ambiance.  Mostly for the free wi-fi but also because it just felt good.  Cozy, cool, comfortable.  There was a fireplace.  There was a cool mix of mod, traditional, deco, and contemporary furnishings and fixtures.  There was the dark paint with brass and industrial accents.  There was this clock made out of lights:

Photo: City Hotels
It got me all inspired over eclectic masculine design, so I went on Pinterest and found some more eye-candy for you:

Strong, clean interior, but not lacking the soul of so many
Photo: Garconierre
A masculine leather chair keeps company with a floating shelf of vintage treasures. 
Photo: Lonny
Masculine Interior
Photo: Sugar Cube Basics
What is it that makes me love all these rooms?  Is it the...

A. Neutral, somewhat moody color palettes
B. Leather
C. Mix of rustic and shiny materials
D. Eclectic mix of decorating styles and eras
E. All of the above!

Yes the answer is E.  Now I'm off to figure out how to bring some of this beautiful style home...

 photo e0bcbc63-97e4-4f3b-adae-03bfc854ae09_zpsb8a65301.jpg


  1. At first was off put by darkness in rooms but after observing more realized can be relaxing, mellow also. You said it was cool in there, the darkness made me feel it would be hot, glad was cool. Just realizing how looks of a room can effect people in much different ways. Will be interesting to see what you adopt out of your experience.
    Mean while am going to stay in coolest rooms of our house. Came back in from hanging laundry, it's terribly hot out there, high 90's and no breeze today, usually have good breeze out here. Have another load to hang but not eager to go back out in that heat, phewy.Have wonderful weekend.

    1. I love hearing your reaction! So true that different people have different emotional reactions to colors and other decor choices...I'll be sure to show you when I work some of these ideas into my home:). Keep cool out there! It's the same here and I'm about done with the heat already!


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