
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Christmas Vignettes

I have such a crush on silver and gold together!

Someday, when I have loads of leisure time, tons of money, and my house is completely organized, I will have carefully selected one theme for my holiday decorating...and my whole house will be drenched with it.  Maybe it will be "Rustic White Christmas," or maybe "Merry Metallic Christmas," or maybe "Silver & Blue Sleighbells," or...well, the possibilities are endless.

My little painted rocking horse with some other cute stuff.

For now my holiday decorating runs the gamut from Swedish candelabras to mod tinsel to traditional greenery, and until I learn how to grow money on a tree that's A-OK with me.  I have found, however, that I cope much better with my rag-tag assortment of decorations by grouping like items into uniform vignettes.  Duh, Michelle.

Black & white with a touch of wine.

I used to feel overwhelmed by the variety of things.  These days I keep that feeling under control by organizing as I unpack the decorations.  I pile items that are alike in color, theme, or "feel" together on the dining room table and then go around making vignettes on every available surface of the house using the staged items.  It's kinda like my form of meditation.

Back to silver and gold.  Pretty sure this one's my favorite.

I have lots of fun doing it this way and it helps me cope with the motley crew occupying my Christmas boxes.

Gold, black and bronze in the upstairs hallway.

Love the shine and glitter in that old metal basket.

So, love what you have and have fun making your decorations play nice together.  Don't worry if your whole house isn't perfectly matched.  And if it is, invite me over!  I want to see it:)


P.S. Lovin' the Linkys at Southern Hospitality!


  1. I love all of your vignettes! I'm a fan of silver and gold, too--so much more interesting to have both. Your two table top vignettes are absolutely gorgeous--simple and elegant!

  2. Very pretty. I do like the silver and gold together. Your vignettes are lovely

  3. I just came over from Between Naps on the Porch, and as soon as I read your profile I had to "follow". ;-) I am a huge fan of silver, gold, and white...and I think your vingettes are fabulous!

    If I had that money tree you were talking about I would have done a peacock themed Christmas.

    Great to "meet" you,


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